begin the registration process today
Thank you for selecting iconectiv UK Limited as your Managed Access Provider (MAP). The next step in the process is account registration. Once you have submitted the form, the Account Management team will email you information to start the process including a username and password, usage and service agreements, pricing , payment and testing information.
If you have selected the Technical MAP service option, you must first obtain your Retail Communication Provider ID (RCPID) by registering with TOTSCO. The RCPID will be used to verify that your company has been approved to participate in the TOTSCO OTS ecosystem and has permission to access the OTS HUB.
Complete details of the OTS process, Communications Providers roles and responsibilities, best practice guidelines, technical and testing documents are available in the TOTSCo Hub User Guide, available on the TOTSCo website under the document centre.
Before starting the registration process, please review the iconectiv UK Limited Managed Access Gateway (MAG) Registration Guide for New Communications Provider Account , which includes the guidelines and procedures for enrolment in iconectiv’s TruOps Switching services for communicating with the OTS Hub.
For additional information, contact an account management representative.