what type of MAP is right for you?
To help broadband providers – both large and small – connect to the TOTSCo Hub, TOTSCo is certifying MAPs to facilitate this on their behalf. iconectiv UK Limited offers two MAP options to providers: Full Management and Technical. These options allow broadband providers the ability to select the one that is best for them to efficiently and confidently complete the switches needed, secure new customers and bring the right broadband offers to all UK citizens.

iconectiv has a deep understanding of the One Touch Switch (OTS) Hub requirements and experience of providing gateway solutions to over 1800 customers across five continents. We are a global brand with ~40 years of local UK experience and have switched and ported more customers than any other company in the world!
We understand that improper integration or implementation with the OTS Hub will cause delays and added cost that Broadband Communications Providers (BCPs) can’t afford. We are well poised to navigate those challenges so that you can simply, seamlessly and securely meet the OTS Hub requirements.
With extensive expertise in developing, deploying, implementing and managing gateways on five continents, and supporting over 5,000 enterprise customers, iconectiv UK Limited is the ideal local MAP for your business.
The following is a summary of the iconectiv Full Management and Technical MAP feature set and services: